Camps News

NI Explorer Belt & Expedition Canada 2014

Northern Ireland Explorer Belt Expedition & Northern Ireland Explorer Expedition Canada 2014

There is planned a NI Explorer Belt Expedition in Europe in the summer of 2013. This will be open to Explorer Scouts and Network Scouts who are over the age of 16.
Full information on the requirements for the Explorer Belt can be viewed on the international page of
There is also planned an Explorer Scout Expedition to Canada departing on the 28th June 2014 for 14/16 days. The camp will be based at the National Park camp site, in the Greater Toronto area.
A meeting for all those wishing to attend as participants will be held on Thursday 18th October 2012 at Ardnavally at 7.00 pm (participants).
It is expected to have firm details of trip and likely costs for this meeting although our original cost of no more than £1,300 still applies. Until we know the numbers it will impossible to tie down costs.