News Scouts

Scouts Trip To Rathlin

We are planning a trip to Rathlin Island on Saturday 3rd June.  We will be visiting the seabird centre in the hope of seeing puffins, choughs,peregrine falcons and other bird species which breed on the island cliffs.  As we walk from the harbour to the sanctuary this trip will also count towards the scout hill walking activity badge/hikes away.
The cost of the trip is £15.  This is to cover the cost of transport tp Ballycastle and return trip by ferry to the island and entry to the seabird centre.  Your scout will need to wear full uniform, comfortable shoes/hiking boots and bring a rain coat.  Also bring a day sack containing a packed lunchand two bottles of water (and a snack to ea along the way).
Please let David (07709972999) know by text/ phone call, no later than Monday 22nd May, if your scout wil be attending this outing as ferry tickets needed t be booked in advance.
We need to leave the scout hall at 8:15am sharp on Saturday morning and plan to return to the scout hall at tea time.
PAYMENTS of £15 should be made through PayPal (see website for link) RATHLIN and scouts name e.g. RATHLINPETER  Payments should be made no later than Friday 26th May.