
Beavers Dino Sleepover

This weekend Beavers were dropped off at the Peter Thompson Hall, Castlerock, for a sleepover with a prehistoric theme. The sun was shining so a trip to the nearby park to burn off some energy. A quick game of the floor is lava and then free play with young leaders (YLs) entertaining.

Back to the hall for some dinner….turkey dinosaurs, waffles and beans 🦖. A dinosaur nest for pudding (ice cream, mini “dino”eggs and sprinkles). Then they all helped scout leader David to construct a massive “blanket” fort for sleeping under when it was bed time.

After dinner our YLs stepped up and ran some games and crafts (Dino pegs and clay fossils) with leaders assisting. Some of the YLs set up a Dino trail outside for the beavers to follow. Then our beavers got their torches and followed then footprints to find the nest with dinosaur eggs then back into the hall to build their dinosaurs.

After saying goodbye to our YLs the Beavers enjoyed some birthday cake (Happy Birthday Conor) before getting into PJs to watch a movie. Some dinosaur themed books also looked at during the wind down.

After a wee bit of sleep, time to get up and carry on. Breakfast, a colouring in competition, well done Marcie, dinosaur gliders in the main hall, “hatching” dinosaur eggs (balloons), team tug of war (don’t touch the lava pits) and some raptor races on the path around the bowling green before one last play in the park. Top raptor racers were Harvey and Patrick 👏🏻